The Value of Networking | International Networking Week

Between 6 and 12 February 2022 Business Networking International is celebrating its annual International Networking Week. The key is to celebrate the important role that networking plays in the development and success of business across the world.

As a reader of this article I am sure you have attended different events, through an academic route, through your work or social activity. Such events include training and development, meeting people to support a good cause or share an experience such as a performance or talk. When people come together there is a natural tendency to network, to explore the commonality. These connections so often reveal more to us, that we can work together or meet in a different space to explore the common threads and opportunities to collaborate. 

At Culture Syndicates we encourage our team to engage with different organisations. Many of our amazing Heritage Assistants have developed connections with organisations through their work. There are opportunities to attend networking sessions such as through the county heritage group networks. Recently Alia, our Marketing Assistant and I attended the Nottinghamshire Heritage Forum which met at the National Justice Museum. This enabled us to talk with museum representatives and to talk about future working opportunities which is really exciting. 

I am currently engaged on a six monthly programme called Mastermind Monthly by the Big House in Nottingham in Nottingham. This is providing the space to meet with other like-minded businesses to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on business operations, generate ideas, share insights, and lead each other through business challenges. After attending two sessions there is such incredible support and insights from all the attendees about developing their businesses. 

The rest of the team are also building Culture Syndicates' profile through online events and training. Through this we are enhancing our local visibility. Organisations are interested in our work around employability and to explore opening new doors with new partners which is really exciting.

Therefore networking is extremely important to Culture Syndicates both online and face to face. It exposes us to other cultural organisations and local businesses where we can share ideas and support each other. Our unique offer means people are keen to talk about what we do. By talking to others we raise awareness of cultural employability as well as our profile.

Elizabeth Neathey

Head of Workforce Inclusion


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