Introducing: Yanqiu Autumn Dai, Strategic Advisor to the Culture Syndicates Board


Autumn is a highly qualified and experienced heritage researcher, practitioner, and consultant based in China.

Educated at the University of California, she graduated with a BA in Art History and International Relations Global Business (IRGB) before completing her MSc in Visual Material and Museum Anthropology at the University of Oxford before embarking on a successful career in heritage and the arts around the world. She has worked in Los Angeles, Singapore, Hong Kong as well as the U.K. for art market consultancies and diverse museums and galleries around the world. A particular highlight is her recent. work to help establish the new Grand Canal Museum in Hangzhou.

Autumn is very well connected to the international art market and Chinese cultural investors and her expertise lies in applying anthropological research tools and qualitative methodologies to improve marketplace studies in the arts and cultural sectors, and to provide market solutions and strategies for organisations.

She is currently mainly based in Shanghai having now founded her own arts and heritage consultancy (Shanghai Yunrui Cultural Technology LLC.,上海秐睿文化科技有限公) and assists Culture Syndicates advising on developments in China and internationally. 

Recently the Shanghai Yunrui and Culture Syndicates have begun to partner together to engage with larger projects to support and bring together the heritage sector globally and help young career entrants around the world.

“I see there is something really great we could do together, and I look forward to having a successful long-term relationship.” Yanqiu Autumn Dai 2021


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