The A-Z of why I think Culture Syndicates is important and why I joined the company

 By Neville Stankley- Culture Syndicates Chief Operating Officer.

During the pandemic, I have been helping Culture Syndicates become a fit-for-purpose organisation for a post-COVID heritage sector whilst remaining true to its original social mission of supporting the sector and those wishing to pursue a heritage career. During this time, I became more and more convinced of the need for an organisation such as Culture Syndicates, and more and more motivated at the prospect of being part of the company during its next phase of development. 

Culture Syndicates is a small organisation, light on its feet and AGILE and adaptable. It can make an instant impact and influence the future from day one for both the organisation and its clients. Culture Syndicates’ supports itself, although it is a social enterprise, it is a BUSINESS and engages sector entrants with that mindset to take into the heritage sector.

I love that Culture Syndicates works to give sector entrants the CONFIDENCE that they can do the job and that a future is possible even in these difficult times, not only that but it encourages DIVERSITY as it does not ask for specific qualifications or experience. All it requires is enthusiasm, desire, and a willingness to learn. 

The sector requires volunteering because it demands EXPERIENCE for entry-level jobs. Culture Syndicates provides paid experience to get your career started. All this is done with an emphasis on FUN within a supportive environment and a GOVERNANCE structure with directors from a range of backgrounds who give their time voluntarily and can give a broader perspective on sector issues.  

There have been a lot of exciting new developments at Culture Syndicates in the last eighteen months, The partnership with the HERITAGE TRUST NETWORK is an initiative that expands the range of heritage organisations that Culture Syndicates can support. Similarly, Culture Syndicates is INTERNATIONAL nowadays. It supports international students, has international staff and international partnerships, bringing together a literal world of opportunities for heritage organisations.

Although Culture Syndicates is an early stop on the career path of someone wishing to work in the heritage sector, but the JOURNEY never ends for any of us and it is a privilege to help talented people get their start in work, and I know the KNOWLEDGE they gain will now be reinvested into the company through our new MENTORING programme.

One of the digital initiatives I have been particularly interested in is LIVE STREAMING, a real OPPORTUNITY to unleash the POTENTIAL of the new global audience. Culture Syndicates now employs one of the sector’s leading international exponents of the techniques, which all sector entrants will gain from and bring to the sector

The reduction in the reliance of QUALIFICATIONS is a NECESSARY development to create a diverse workforce. Culture Syndicates works towards providing sector entrants with RELEVANT skills and qualifications actually needed to be effective. Culture Syndicates does this by SUPPORTING TRAINING for sector entrants to bolster their CVs. 

It is UNKNOWN what the future is going to bring, and the company agility allows us to change with the sector in whatever XENOMORPHIC form it takes. It is VITAL for the WELLBEING of the sector and staff that we support the YOUNG generation to develop the relevant, vibrant sector that we all want. It will be both a duty and a pleasure to be part of that process, and so that we can reclaim the word ZOOM from its new meaning back to the idea of rapid speed towards a relevant and diverse sector with a suitably skilled workforce with satisfying and enjoyable careers. If I can help Culture Syndicates can just be a small part of this process then it will be a job well done.


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