From Leicester to London: the life of Joseph ‘John’ Merrick, the ‘Elephant Man’
Posted: 14th June 2016 In Exploring History Joseph Merrick was born in Leicestershire in 1862. Unlike more dramatic representations of his life, starring the likes of John Hurt and Bradley Cooper, Merrick was not born disfigured and took control of his own career in ‘freak shows’ as an adult. Joseph Merrick’s disability was triggered around the age of 2, when disfigured tumours began to appear on his body. Merrick himself believed an old folk belief that his disfigurement was due to his mother being frightened by an elephant during pregnancy; yet he is now thought to have suffered from Proteus syndrome. Merrick’s disfigurement was degenerative, worsening with age until his job at a Leicester cigar shop became physically impossible for him. Poverty forced Merrick to enter the Leicester union workhouse, ‘Hillcrest’, at the age of 17. In 1884, Merrick was desperate to find a way out of the depravity of the workhouse. Taking control of his disability as far as possibl...