The Resilience Syndicate project begins
First Posted: 25th October 2016 In News And Opportunities This week, our Resilience Syndicate Administration Assistant, Hayley Du-Buisson, has joined our Project Manager, Hollie Davison. On 7th November, our six new interns will begin work so in the meantime, here is some information on the project. The interns will be blogging about their experiences. The Culture Syndicates’ team will be disseminating learning throughout the project, with the aim of sharing knowledge to improve sector operations. The Arts Council England Resilience Fund awarded Culture Syndicates with £149,189 to run the Resilience Syndicate project, which has created six paid internship roles, to work alongside six partner museums across the East Midlands. Awarded through Round Two of the Museum Resilience Fund, this is a significant opportunity for sector entrants, museum development, workforce training and the company. Building on the work of the 2015-16 Intern Power project, als...